Importance of Parasite Control in Dogs
External parasites thrive on your cat or dog's skin, posing a significant risk of health problems if not promptly addressed. Our Somerset vets offer valuable tips to prevent parasites in your pets.
External parasites thrive on your cat or dog's skin, posing a significant risk of health problems if not promptly addressed. Our Somerset vets offer valuable tips to prevent parasites in your pets.
A healthy adult dog infected with hookworms will usually experience gastrointestinal upset. However, it can be fatal to puppies. Our vets in Somerset share facts about hookworms in dogs and how they can be treated and prevented.
Even though your dog's paw pad is a lot tougher than the bottom of our human feet, they can still get injured or cut. In this blog, our Somerset veterinarians discuss what you should do if your dog's paw gets cut.
You've just welcomed a precious bundle of joy into your home—congratulations! Now, you might be wondering when to schedule your kitten's first vet visit, along with the routine check-ups in the future. Our vets in Somerset will discuss what you should anticipate during your kitten's initial appointment.
You aim to provide your dog with the optimal opportunity for a healthy and extended life. This is where routine preventative veterinary care plays a crucial role. In Somerset, our vets will go over the recommended frequency for your dog's visits to the veterinarian.
Sometimes, cats can suffer from a painful problem called gingivitis if their oral health isn't good. In this post, our Somerset vets share symptoms, causes, and treatment for gingivitis in cats.
We recommend reading this article if your pet's back legs seem weak. Our veterinarians in Somerset can guide you in improving or maintaining their leg strength.
Our vets in Somerset understand that cats are often choosy eaters. Therefore, when your cat refuses to eat, it can be challenging to pinpoint the cause. Here are some common reasons why your cat might not be eating and when it's time to consult your vet.
Whipworms are a frequent type of parasite that live in the large intestine and cecum of dogs. They can cause irritation, resulting in various uncomfortable symptoms. In this article, our Somerset vets provide insights into whipworms in dogs, covering symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
Is your small dog experiencing hip pain? FHO surgery might be the solution. Our veterinarians in Somerset can guide you through how FHO surgery improves your dog's mobility and what the procedure entails.
Are you looking for a new vet in the Somerset area? Midway Veterinary Hospital is accepting new patients! Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.
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